Social media for small business

‘Everyone’ says you should be using social media. That’s the worst advice ever for embarking on a social media program. Before you start you need to: Understand the pros and cons of each platform. Become familiar with each. Find out where your target audience hangs out. Decide which ones best suit your needs. Have a […]

6 Ways to Get the Most out of Pinterest for Your Business

As with all social media platforms, Pinterest started as a cute and fun way for people to share their interests with their friends and peers. Also as with all social media platforms, it has also become an incredibly valuable forum in which businesses can find and be found by their target audience. A purely visual […]

Write a blog? Why bother?

Is it really worth the effort? It will take time, but you will see tangible results like these. Interaction with your customers and potential customers Let readers know what you’re doing, what’s around the corner, information that wouldn’t normally go in a formal announcement. It’s an opportunity to use a more relaxed and informal tone […]

Using Social Media to Build Your Business

Since social media took hold on the Internet, it was identified very early on as a powerful way for businesses to spread their messages, build visibility and interact with and grow their audience. What makes it ideal is that it is inexpensive, highly practical and very effective. Now, businesses use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube […]

Video to Engage Online Visitors

Information is one of the world’s biggest commodities today. It comes at us even when we’re not looking for it in the form of TV ads, billboards and magazine covers at the checkout. But when we are looking for it, we are often spoilt for choice as to the way we receive it. You’ve probably […]

So Many Experts

Social Media has been the buzz word for quite sometimes and every event throughout the country seems to have a “Social Media Expert”. Given the infancy of social media itself it can be difficult to know who really is an expert and who is not. Typically, if someone tells you of overnight success or offers […]

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